I brushed the dark earth aside and the first glimpse of a skull appeared. Slowly, a delicate profile emerged from the grave. I lay beside her – my arm extended, brush in hand, as I worked to expose her torso. She had been buried over thirteen hundred years ago, in a cemetery tucked among the dunes along the North Sea, in the shadow of the medieval castle, Bamburgh. I was midway through my PhD and had travelled to northern England to hone my skills as an archaeologist.
The shape of her bones indicated she was female: the high arch of her forehead, the slender angle of her jaw, and especially her pelvis, which exhibited the telltale architecture of a body designed for childbearing. In bioarchaeology, where we read the past through the skeletons left behind, the pelvis is one of the most effective means of assessing the sex of an individual. But it’s the fleshed pelvis that really marks the difference between males and females. Let’s explore…
We’ve already covered the male anatomy (see A Natural History of the Penis), so today
we’re zoning in on the female form. The subject is long overdue, for the female
anatomy, though frequently splashed across screen and page, is the more
mysterious of the sexes. Perhaps this will clarify things.
Although men and women look very different, they actually
possess some of the same private parts. In fact, during certain stages of
development, our genitalia are indistinguishable. Like men, women have a pair
of gonads (ours are called “ovaries”), although unlike men, ours don’t swing
between our legs. The ovaries are tucked in the abdomen and connect to the uterus
via the fallopian tubes.
The uterus is a flexible, muscular pouch that can expand to
accommodate a growing fetus. It’s also the source of those miserable cramps
women suffer each month, as it sheds its inner lining (a.k.a., menstruation). The
uterus tapers downward into the cervix, which is connected to the outer world
via that magical passageway, the vagina.
During the reproductive years, an egg is released each month
by one of the ovaries. The egg enters the fallopian tube, makes its way toward
the uterus and the countdown begins. The egg has a seventy-two-hour window during which
it can be fertilized. Sperm can survive for several days once they’ve been
deposited – something to keep in mind for all you daredevils practicing the
“rhythm” method of birth control.
Side joke: What do they call people who practice the rhythm
method? Parents!!
But back to the female anatomy…
Since most women understand the fundamentals of their inner
anatomy and most men couldn't care less, let’s concentrate on the outer parts, for
this is where men can lose their way. So consider this as not just an anatomy
lesson, but a means of improving your (and especially her) sex life.But back to the female anatomy…
It may come as a shock to you boys, but women actually have three holes down yonder and it behooves you to know the order in which they reside. The urethra sits just in front of the vagina, which in turn is positioned in front of the anus (another orifice you guys seem obsessed with). But most important for sexual arousal is the female version of the penis – the clitoris.
Pay attention!
The clitoris stands at the front of the line, just before
the urethra (memorize the acronym CUVA: clitoris, urethra, vagina, anus). Like
the penis, the clitoris contains erectile tissue and, like the penis, it becomes
stimulated when stroked. Arousal of the clitoris is fundamental to a woman's achieving orgasm, so instead of being mesmerized by the boobies (although they
require attention, too) or making a beeline for the vagina, you boys should be
homing in on the “joy button.” Take your time, do it right and I guarantee
you’ll receive your just rewards.
As a cultural side note, you’ll be amused to discover that
for thousands of years, the vagina has evoked fear and intimidation, resulting
in outlandish legends concerning its dangers. The myth of the vagina dentata –
literally a “vagina with teeth” – dates back to the Greeks and is rooted in the
belief that the female sex contains hidden perils. Succumb to our charms and
risk castration – or worse! Obviously the stuff of fiction, but it pays to be
I hope this little lesson has clarified that murky zone of
the female genitalia. Yes, it can be tricky, but a little knowledge goes a long
way. So I wish you a safe and fruitful journey, and should you have the
opportunity to exercise your newfound knowledge, be meticulous and be sure to
glove up!
PREVIEW: Since we now have a thorough understanding of both sexes, next we'll explore the bizarre and twisted world of necrophilia... If you're not familiar with the term, you will be next week! See you then and don't forget to share.