the penis, that most essential male organ. No other aspect of the male anatomy
demands such attention. Stop for a moment and consider the plethora of names
men have conjured for this illustrious male member. It’s kind of like the Eskimo
and their hundred words for snow. Priorities, I guess.
a firefighter, I was surrounded by penises. They were everywhere. At the
station, on the trucks, fighting fires… I was completely at ease waking up in a
dorm full of woodies. Sex, of course, is determined before birth by the joining of the sperm and egg and the blending of their associated chromosomes. X plus Y and Poof! - you have a boy. The recipe for a penis is embedded on the Y chromosome, but it takes about eleven weeks of gestation before the genital tuber (from which the penis will sprout) emerges. Ironically, at this stage in development, the genitalia of both sexes look about the same.
But by
thirteen weeks, the penis is a penis. This is a lonely stage in its development,
for the testes are still tucked away in the abdomen. They’ll descend and join
the party by the seventh or eighth month. The descent of the testes leaves
behind a weakness in the abdominal wall, thus laying the groundwork for future
hernias. So if you’re diagnosed with an inguinal hernia, you have your balls to
all pretty familiar with what the penis does. First off, it’s a conduit for
urine (let’s get the dull stuff out of the way). The bladder empties into the
urethra before traveling the length of the
penis to exit. Since the urethra runs in close proximity to the prostate, many
men suffer from incontinence when the prostate is damaged or removed.
urine is not the only fluid carried via the urethra. Let’s talk semen.
male reproductive system, at its most basic, is composed of the penis and
testicles, but includes all the organs, ducts, and vessels that allow it to do
what it does. Let’s start with the testicles and work our way forward.
produced in the testes then move into the epididymis – a network of thin
tubules, several feet in length, that are bundled on the top of each testicle.
This is where the sperm mature before being transferred up into the abdomen to
the seminal vesicles – a pair of lumpy glands located on the backside of the
bladder. The vesicles produce some of the liquid portion of the semen, which contains proteins and mucus, and has an alkaline pH. This enables the
sperm to survive that oh-so-acidic environment of the vagina. And here’s an
interesting tidbit: the liquid also contains fructose, which provides a snack
for the sperm should there be a lag time while awaiting an egg.
ductus deferens carries the semen from the vesicles and joins the urethra at
the ejaculatory duct (things are getting interesting). It’s this amazing
little duct that propels the sperm up and out during ejaculation. In fact, it’s so
effective that it can propel semen up to two feet away (please don’t try this
at home)!
all the magic is the penis itself. This mesmerizing cylinder of flesh contains
large pockets of erectile tissue which, when aroused, fill with blood, making
it stand at attention. The erectile tissue also increases the size of the penis
(goody!) and assists with insertion. Once inside, movement and friction along
the shaft provide just enough gumption for the ejaculatory duct to do its
thing and voilà! Ejaculation!
Recent research
has shown that boys, like girls, are reaching sexual maturity earlier; by approximately two and a half months per decade since the 1800s. Scientists attribute it to better health
and nutrition. As boys hit puberty, though, their chance of death increases,
mainly due to higher levels of risky behavior. When testosterone production
peaks, apparently you guys go bonkers and your tendencies for "dangerous and
reckless shows of strength, negligence, and a high propensity to violence" increase your chances for fatal accidents; what researchers call the “accident
hump” (let the snickering commence). So for you youngsters out there... should you have the urge to jump off a building, try masturbating instead. 
I'll leave you with a video tour of your junk. Have a great week and don't forget to share the blog!