I grew up
the daughter of a bald man. The funny thing is, I didn’t realize he was bald
until one of my elementary schoolmates pointed it out. To me, he was just
“Dad.” His hair was irrelevant.

is a big issue among men, probably because about sixty percent of them will lose their hair.
You’d think, over time, they'd simply accept it and move on. But telling a
man to disregard his baldness is like telling a woman to ignore the aging
process. Impossible. We are culturally programmed to lose sleep over such
So let’s
take a moment to explore the realm of androgenetic alopecia, aka, male pattern
from certain medical conditions, if you’re losing your hair, you probably have
your genes and hormones to blame. And unfortunately, there’s not a whole lot you
can do about either one. You are what you are and your genotype was
predetermined before you ever shot from the womb.
As for
the hormones, here’s how they work. Male pattern baldness (MPB) occurs in men
who have a predisposed sensitivity to the hormone, dihydrotestosterone (DHT).
I’m sure you recognize the “-testosterone” base of that term. That’s because it’s
a form of male sex hormone. In men with sensitivity, the DHT acts like a toxin
on the hair follicles, starving them of nutrients, causing them to shrink, and
eventually shutting down the hair’s growth phase. And the areas most affected?
Those on the top and sides of the head, resulting in the characteristic “horseshoe”
pattern of MPB.

instead of reaching for a remedy, perhaps you should consider the razor. It
turns out, a shaved head says a lot about the man underneath.
let’s take a peek at a few of the cultural manifestations of shaved heads.
There are many situations associated with head shaving – not all of them good.
But I like to accentuate the positive, so we’ll breeze past the contexts of
prison internment, lice infestation, and Nazi punishment, and instead, focus on
the finer aspects of baldness.

branches of the military require shearing of recruits and even the ancient
Romans sported bald heads, although they tended to pluck instead of shave. (Ouch!)

So if
you’re losing your hair, try embracing your baldness. It certainly worked for
my father. Regardless of his baldness (or perhaps because of it), he was a
singular badass.
Here's a nice article on the subject...
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